Validate that a table-type field has at least one record created
carlos vanegas
It is required that a table-type field can be controlled that it has at least one record created and that it works with the validate button when the mandatory fields are checked.
Currently, if the field is marked as mandatory, it does not validate and if the tables have no records, the same happens
Verónica Meza
Lorena Ramos Montes
Hello Carlos, the functionality you are asking for is now available, it has been implemented in PR 1138.
We hope it will be useful to you, thank you very much.
Jose Luis de la Rosa
Thank you very much for your suggestion Carlos and for the votes.
We are going to plan this task for the roadmap, since it makes a lot of sense when a field is required.
Verónica Meza
Jose Luis de la Rosa
under review